Wednesday, November 28, 2007

FIREWORKS: A senses poem

Sounds like squealing bombs blowing up in the sky.
Looks like coloured smoke with bright bombs in the dark night.
Smells like rotten fish mixed with gunpowder.
Tastes like chocolate fire with lava and volcanoes.
Feels like fuzzy, bumpy, hot smoke.

Should fireworks be banned?

I think fireworks should be banned. Fireworks are dangerous because they hit people and hurt them. Fireworks can burn down trees by houses and the houses can get burned down. Even babies get hurt. They could be asleep and get hit without mum seeing. I think fireworks should only be allowed in public displays. Dogs and cats can get scared by fireworks. That’s why I think fireworks should be banned.
By Natayla

Should fireworks be banned?

I think fireworks should not be banned because they are fun and enjoyable. They look great when they light up the sky. At the opera fireworks look amazing. I think they should not be banned.
By Jamie

Should fireworks be banned?

Fireworks should be banned. They can make animals and pets die from the sparks from the fireworks. One year ago, in 2006 a boat had fireworks. They are lucky nothing happened because it could have caught on fire. If you put your face near the sparks you could get hurt. That is why I think fireworks should be banned.
By Tracey

Should fireworks be banned?

I think fireworks should be banned because they could explode in a baby’s face and the baby could die. It could pop a baby’s eye out. Fireworks are really unhygienic and dangerous for a baby. They could get really sick on gunpowder. That is why I think fireworks should be banned.

Should fireworks be banned?

I do not want to hear that fireworks are banned. Fireworks light up the sky at night and they are nice to look at. I like fireworks going off into the sea. That’s why I think fire works should not be banned.
By Dylan

Should fireworks be banned?

I think fireworks should be banned. Fireworks could hurt a baby. The baby could crawl into the exploding fireworks and they might get hurt. Fireworks pollute the air and they could hurt people if they explode. You should not be able to buy fireworks.
By Elizabeth